Narinder Kaur is the Author of ‘The Phoenix (From Ashes to Rebirth) The Women Power Unleashed, who helps women to recognize and raise the phoenix in them and live a supremely empowered and dignified life. She is a single mother to a special girl child, Prabhjot Kaur.
Narinder is full in charge of her journey; she teaches how to ‘Live Life to the Fullest’. She believes women are the strongest pillars on the planet. A successful woman can build a firm foundation with the bricks thrown at her. She’s a woman with values, standards, virtues, clarity of mind and thought, and a radiant smile. She laughs without fear of the future. She says never apologize for being a powerful woman.
Narinder spent over 20 years as a corporate professional, travel, and event expert, with an educational background of MBA in marketing, MA in Political Science, IATA UFTAA from Skyline Business School, PG Diploma in HR Management, Transformational Life Coach from International Coach Federation USA, Pranic Healer from MCKS Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Trust. Apart from being a therapist, Narinder is a passionate traveler, trekker, explorer, food lover, and fitness enthusiast. She is well-known as a Super Woman among her peers.
Narinder found her ‘why’!!! She is the voice of women who are suffering from indignity, rejection, disrespect, toxic dependence, domestic violence, and abusive relationships. She is here to help them find their grit that will mold them to be victorious and gain self-confidence and self-esteem.
To be the lighthouse for women by transforming their lives from victim to victory by building a healthy self-esteem with dignity and self-worth.
To open a Specialized Wellness Centre for Women and help them to live life with dignity, self-esteem, and self-worth.
Empowerment: Believing every woman is unique and powerful in her own right.
Respect: Believing every woman has the right to be treated with fairness and dignity.
Integrity: Never communicate in any way that exploits or demeans the women we exist to serve
Resilience: Recognizing the strength of women in never losing hope despite having faced the greatest atrocities and horrors of conflict.
Willpower: Encouraging being a strong woman that everyone knew would make it through the worst. Be that fearless woman the one would dare to do anything. Be that independent woman, who doesn’t need a man. Be someone who never backed down.
Simplicity: Simplicity and soberness are two main ornaments of a woman who never gives up. More than outward beauty, inner beauty overrides the entire struggle and pain a woman goes through. Surrender to simplicity.
Happiness: After all, happiness controls all! It means control over ideologies, material assets, being able to laugh, play and enjoy and participate in life-driven choices freely.